Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County

We will explore Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County sobriety meetings and their benefits in this comprehensive article.

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How AA Saves Lives: Discovering the Power of Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a community-based organization that promotes sobriety, spiritual development, and faith in a higher power. It provides support and guidance to those struggling with alcohol use disorder (AUD) through its 12-Step program.1

Alcohol addiction, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), affects more than 14 million adults aged eighteen and over. It can lead to severe consequences if left untreated. By combining group meetings, personal accountability, and spiritual guidance, AA members form a supportive community that helps them break free from alcohol and rebuild their lives.2

Read on to learn more about AA principles, its benefits, and how Horizon Treatment Services can help people seeking Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County meetings.

Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County

How Does AA Help People to Maintain Sobriety?

Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County meetings create a greater sense of duty. Let’s explore how AA can empower you to maintain sobriety and reclaim control of your life:

  • In Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County meetings, you can talk to people who understand what you’re going through.
  • People can find solace and motivation in working together to solve their problems.
  • The check-in practices serve as an additional incentive for members to maintain sobriety.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous meetings offer practical information and techniques to maintain sobriety.
  • More seasoned members support issues like stress management and avoiding reversion.

At Horizon Treatment Services, we offer multiple programs to promote sobriety and substance use disorder (SUD) prevention.

What Are the 12 Steps of AA?

Unlock the power of the 12 Steps that have helped millions of people worldwide overcome addiction. Let’s delve into the core principles of AA that can transform your life.

Step 1. Admit Powerlessness

Taking the first step in Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County means accepting that you are powerless over addiction—a level of honesty that can be difficult for many people to achieve.

When struggling with addiction, it’s easy to underestimate the severity of the problem. You may have convinced yourself that you can quit at any time, despite clear indications that you cannot. By admitting your powerlessness, you can break free from denial and begin your journey toward recovery.

Step 2. Faith in a Higher Power

The second step of AA focuses on finding faith in a higher power. Along with this principle comes the importance of maintaining hope, even when faced with setbacks. Although it can be challenging to practice this virtue daily, it is essential in recovery.

While not every moment will be positive, holding onto faith and hope will enable you to overcome difficult times and emerge stronger on the other side.

Step 3. Surrender to a Higher Power

In the third step of Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County meetings, the focus is on submitting to a higher power and prioritizing that power over the self-centeredness of addiction. It’s crucial to remind yourself regularly that you are not in control and must prioritize the higher power above all else.

Step 4. Make a Moral Inventory

The fourth step involves documenting your mistakes. You must look through your past and admit your wrongdoings. You can embrace a fresh start and move toward a brighter future by openly acknowledging and recording your past transgressions.

Step 5. Admit Wrongdoings

Take the moral inventory created in the previous step and confess your wrongdoings first to a higher power, then to yourself, and finally to another person. Practicing integrity in your Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County meetings involves openly discussing any feelings of guilt and mistakes you’ve made.r

Ultimately, admitting your past transgressions means prioritizing honesty in all aspects of your life, including your journey toward recovery.

Step 6. Prepare to Let Go

Practicing the sixth step of AA means preparing to let go of your past wrongdoings by acknowledging your readiness to move beyond them. Willingness is a crucial virtue that enables you to move forward and leave the past behind.

To embody this virtue, you must be fully prepared to be absolved of your past sins and embrace a future without looking back. By letting go and moving forward, you can empower yourself to achieve lasting sobriety.

Step 7. Let Go

The seventh step of AA focuses on letting go of your past and embracing a future with no regrets. During Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County meetings, humility is a fundamental principle that is easy to comprehend because it’s straightforward. Being humble means recognizing that you are not the most significant part of the bigger picture.

By letting go and prioritizing humility, you can cultivate a mindset that will enable you to achieve lasting sobriety and personal growth.

Step 8. Prepare to Make Amends

The eighth step requires you to make a list of all the people you’ve wronged during your journey and be willing to make amends. This step is grounded in the principle of love, which encompasses empathy and compassion. Practicing sobriety with the principle of love means existing not just for yourself but in service to those you care about.

Step 9. Make Amends

In the ninth step of AA, you’ve already forgiven yourself for your past, and now it’s time to make amends to those you’ve wronged. This principle requires you to take ownership of your mistakes and their impact on others. Practicing responsibility in daily life means being honest and transparent about your mistakes to maintain close relationships with those around you.

Step 10. Take Ongoing Responsibility

The tenth step is all about practicing self-discipline and keeping yourself in check during Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County sessions. This principle encourages you to make a habit of taking stock of your actions and admitting your faults on a regular basis, not just once in a while.

Step 11. Maintain Connection With High Power

The eleventh step requires you to maintain a connection with a higher power while moving forward in your recovery. This principle reminds you always to stay conscious of that connection. In practice, it means staying mindful and present in your everyday life.

Step 12. Service

Practicing the twelfth step means giving back to the 12-Step community. This involves helping others in AA and practicing these principles in your daily affairs. In this way, you help new and existing Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County groups as well as yourself.

With the 12 Steps of AA in hand, you’ll be well on your way to overcoming addiction and leading a fulfilling life. Don’t hesitate to seek support and apply these principles to your daily routine.

What Can Someone Expect When Attending an AA Meeting?

Members of Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County groups can attend meetings in person, virtually, or over the phone. The time, place, and frequency of each session are all determined by those in attendance.

Common Meetings Spots

In-person gatherings occur anywhere suitable for a conference. The typical meeting spots are churches, community centers, libraries, and recovery organizations.

Meeting Types and Formats

There are open and closed Alcoholics Anonymous meetings:3

  • Open AA Meetings: Open meetings allow members and non-members (e.g., family, friends, prospective members, individuals from the media). These meetings typically involve one designated speaker telling their story or a discussion between members and non-members.
  • Closed AA Meetings: Closed meetings are only available to AA members and prospective members. This creates a more secure environment, as all members can speak openly with others who have been through similar situations.

This way, Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County meetings have several setups and reflections of various cultures and preferences.

Typical Meeting Outcomes

Typical outcomes of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings include members sharing their personal experiences with addiction, discussing the principles of the program, and offering support and encouragement to each other. Studies have shown that individuals who attend AA meetings regularly have a higher likelihood of achieving and maintaining sobriety compared to those who do not participate in the program.4

AA provides a supportive community where individuals can feel understood, accepted, and encouraged to work towards their goals. The program also offers a framework for personal growth and development, helping individuals build resilience, coping skills, and a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives.

How Can Someone Find a Local AA Support Group?

To locate a nearby Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County meeting, you can simply search “AA meetings near me” online or go to Enter your state, province, zip code, or city to find the nearest AA meetings. Local websites include city-specific meeting schedules, such as Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County.

Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County

Here’s How Horizon Treatment Services Can Help With Alcoholism

Addiction should never be dealt with alone. Here’s how Horizon Treatment Services can help make a difference:

Palm Avenue Detox San Mateo

Palm Avenue Detox is a program that helps people who are struggling with substance use disorders and co-occurring behavioral health disorders in San Mateo County. Similar to Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County meetings, we utilize the 12-Step model to help individuals heal from addiction. We also offer co-ed programs, dual diagnosis treatment, and other related techniques to support our clients.

The average stay at our program is around five days, but we also offer extended detoxification for up to two weeks for those with severe symptoms. Our goal is to provide our clients with a safe and supportive environment so they can focus on their recovery. We also provide resources for Alcoholics Anonymous San Mateo County meetings.

Help With Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Adverse Childhood Experiences can have many far-reaching effects, including leading to the development of alcoholism or other substance use disorders later on in life. Horizon Treatment Services is passionate about helping educate and guide individuals on how ACEs may impact their lives, as well as how to get the care they need to work through any symptoms they may be experiencing.

Let’s Fight Alcoholism Together

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcoholism or substance misuse, Horizon Treatment Services is here to help. Our team of compassionate professionals offers a range of services to support clients on their journey to recovery, including education, guidance, and support throughout the entire process.

We understand that seeking help can be difficult, but we believe that every person has the potential to overcome addiction and achieve a fulfilling life in recovery. With Horizon Treatment Services by your side, you can take the first step toward a brighter future.
